I am trying to set up a lab using windows server 2012 r2 and Hyper-v. I installed server 2012 on Host server. I am doing virtualization with Hyper-V which is installed on my Host server.
I createded one VM, and installed windows server 2012 r2 on it. I want to install AD and DNS and DHCP on this VM.
I want to join my other VMS to this domain, and also other VMs get their IP from this DHCP server.
On my Host server ( Hyper-V), I have bellow network connections:
1- Ethernet Intel® 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection( I am not using cable )
2-Another network connection Wi-Fi which is enable , and has Internet Access. (shared with my Virtual WLAN)
3- vEthernet(Inter 82579LM Virtual switch- Unidentified network which is enable
4- vEthernet(Virtual WLAN). I created it to use my Host’s WiFi in my VM (windows server 2012 r2)
On VM windows server 2012 ( I want to install AD,DNS, DHCP on it ),I installed Legacy Network Adaptor Virtual WLAN to connect to wifi Internet. On this server I have 2 network connections:
1-Ethernet Unidentified network Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adaptor – enable- IP:169.254.x.x- Dynamic
2-Ethernet 2 Intel 21140-based PCI Fast Ethernet Adaptor(Emulated) for Internet connection – IP dynamic : 192.169.137.x - Dynamic
Everything works good, till here.
Now my question is , To install AD, and DNS server on my VM with Windows server 2012 , first I have to give static IP address to Ethernet.Which one should I use? Ehernet or Ethernet 2?
By default Ethernet 2 , has dynamic IP address and when I change to static IP address , it become disable then I cannot connect to the Internet. Probably I am doing something wrong.
In “use the following IP Address” -> IP Address , and “use the following DNS Server address” -> Preferred DNS Server, should I put same IP address? Or should I put in preferred DNS server?
I tried several times, but unsuccessful,Please give me some advise.