I'm trying to get one of my guest os machines to see a 4TB fibre SAN storage (as a local drive, so guest os can share it).
(Esxi 4.1).
I'm trying to do this with "Add Hard Disk" - but that may not be correct. Is there a way to get around the 2TB limit?
With "Add Hard Disk", I've tried a few ways, but always get:
"file [V1] SERVERNAME/SERVERNAME_1.vmdk is larger than the maximum size supported by datastore'V1 "
The issue is - why does it care - my colleagues advise me that we should be able to connect to any size storage.
Am I doing this the wrong way?
Thanks in advance!
Steps followed.
Edit Settings - Add Hard Disk - "Raw Device". The storage appears.
Then the choice between "Store with Virtual" and "Specify datastore" - I choose "Store with Virtual".
Compatibility: Phisical (Allow the guest operating system to use).
Virtual Device Node: SCSI(0:1)