using vmware workstation 15.5.2 on windows and having a ubuntu linux guest
all operations are possible - but I am not system/network skilled, but database administrator..
i use mobaxterm to connect to this guest and execute all I need
I am running a db2 database at this guest
now I want to implement jupyter, that uses a db connection but this ubuntu is a server and has no browser/graphical interface installed
I need todo this from my windows host and windows browser
I implemented all soft as needed and configured in guest
it is indicated to start the jupyter notebook - but you need ssh tunnel todo this
the local application in server "ubuntu" is listening on port 8888
I want to start a browser on my windows host to this server/port to open jupyter
there are so many pages with ssh tunnels for mobaxterm, by they need a ssh server/jump host
is this also needed for vmware guests ?
any link to a doc that could help me to connect from browser to guest because I need to execute in browser something similar to
and this would need to establish a connection to my guest on port 8888
I verified the LISTEN status=ok and ping from windows host=ok
thanks for all update/help
best regards, Guy Przytula