Hi Gents,
I am trying to create and setup VM (Windows evaluation server 2019 OS) on the ESXi 6.7 host, but getting below error which I cannot find the exact solution how to fix it. Looking for answers here ??
Operation on CD-ROM image file /vmfs/volumes/5dd6b325-521cd908-20e7-14feb5d2f934/17763.737.190906-2324.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVER_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us_1.iso has failed. Subsequent operations on this file are also likely to fail unless the image file connection is corrected. Try disconnecting the image file, then reconnecting it to the virtual machine's CD-ROM drive. Select Continue to continue forwarding the error to the guest operating system. Select Disconnect to disconnect the image file.