I am wondering if someone at VMware, already thought of making VMware Tools directly available in the MS Store, or alternatively offer a single-MSI package for an upload to Microsoft Intune MDM solution.
Let me explain the business need : we would like to Intune to manage our desktop PCs, whether they are physical or virtual. Intune can push softwares to these Intune-enrolled machines, either because they are available in the MS public Store, or when the company IT admin uploads an MSI file to Intune.
This VMware technote explains how to extract the drivers from the main setup64.exe file. An MSI file is generated, but some subfolders containing the drivers and VMware advanced features (copy/paste,...) as well. Without these subfolders, the MSI won't install.
So my question : we can probably repackage these drivers and features in some way to build a custom MSI, but that is error-prone and inconvenient. Wouldn't be that smarter to have one single MSI file, that contains everything needed to install the VMware advanced features in an unattended way? Or even better offer the VM Tools directly in the MS Store, while latest VMware drivers would always be automatically pulled from Windows Update?