My business apps server is a NEW Dell PC running W10home. My Dental AppS Software CO had to do a new install of all server and network apps on the dell, and a new network client app on my iMac running 10.11, Fusion 7.1 Pro, win 7pro. They then restores ALL MY docs, files, and X-rays They set the Dell to a static IP address. It worked fine the day of installation. The networked iMac had no problem connecting to the Server Dell over the wired LAN.
The next day the client iMac could not connect to the static up of the Dell server. THE Dental co support REMOTED IN to the Dell, and tried to ping the iMacs IP and the virtual Win7 IP (which I told them was incorrect). No connection. They tried to ping the Dell from the virtual Win7 and No Connection. I TRIED ALL OF THE USUAL Virtual network settings, restarting the VM EACH TIME.
the Server app has been flawlessly run on a Dell pc running vista, then Win7Pro FROM 2009-2014, and then on a Mac Mini running win7 Pro natively in Boot Camp since 2014, and all were networked by wire and by wireless flawlessly.
A week ago, The BC partition self destructed from a Win 7 update that caused it to boot to a black screen. I recoverd all my business apps, prefs, docs, and X-ray, from the BC partition, Apple Sipport was not able to re-Boot Camp/ reinstall the same Win7P on the Mini, so bought the new Dell, and it networked perfectly for 1 day! The Dental app support then ran fir the hills after their pinging tests failed, blaming the Fusion setup on the iMac. Help! Help! Help!
-Did some firewall on the Dell defensively prevent the connection ?
- how do I ping from the Mac to the Dell?
- I have no idea where to begin?
In the past, all it took was pressing “share with the Mac,” or “auto detect” and instant wireless connection to the Dell Win7 Server or the Boot Camp Mac mini server.
Both the Dell, the iMac ( from the Mac side and from the VM), HAS normal INTERNET AND MAIL ACCESS, and both can remote to and be remoted into other Macs, iPhones, iPads, using Jump Desktop it Splashtop Personal/ Streamer.