Configuration Summary:
VMware ESXi 5.5.0 build-2638301
VMX guestId: windows8Server64Guest
Tools Build: 10272
OS Inside the Guest: Windows Server 2016, 64-bit (Build 14393)
I'm running a script to poll VMs every so often to see what VMware Tools says is the guest OS. More often then not, I'm getting back otherGuest instead of windows8Server64Guest.
The code via the SDK is basically doing this:
I think the equivalent is the following in PowerCLI:
$v = get-vm -Name [name of VM from vCenter]; $v.ExtensionData.Guest | select hostname, guestid, guestfullname
These seem to flap in pairs.
when getGuestId returns otherGuest, i see OS Windows 2016.
when getGuestId returns windows8Server64Guest, i see OS Windows 2012.
I haven't been able to find a rationale as to why the value switches back and forth between the two.
I'm looking to try and figure out:
1. Why it's flapping in the first place.
2. How can it be stabilized ... being consistent is better than the above.
3. Does anyone know if this is a known bug in Tools/ESXi based on the above configuration?