I'm trying to use a teamcity plugin which integrates with vmware in order to launch VMs and use them as build agents.
The agent configuration process is using a utility called vmware-rpctool which does not seem to exist on the VM I'm using, although vmware-tools is installed on the VM.
Is this utility something that used to appear in previous versions of vmware-tools and changed somewhere along the way?
I'm running a vm of macos 10.12, with vmware tools 10.1.5 installed on it.
Here is a link to the code, with the line looking for the utility highlighted - https://github.com/JetBrains/teamcity-vmware-plugin/blob/ca02f89f42330be6826a4132d7ef7c6ffdd66d1c/cloud-vmware-agent/src/main/java/jetbrains/buildServer/clouds/vmware/VMWarePropertiesReader.java#L49